Monday 21 November 2011


I know what it says on the title but the person who is depressed is not's my mum .When she came home today with my father both of them were looking rather upset .Then later on i asked them what happened,they refused to tell me .Then my mum went into the bedroom after a while there was no sound then my father asked me where did my mum go we seached everywhere but could not find her then i went into their bedroom and turned on the lights i saw my mum laying on the floor near the bed i was shocked .I suddenly thought of her cutting her wrist .When i went towards her i was relieved she was just lying on the floor .After that it was her turn to bathe but she just kept on walking in and out of the bedroom.Whats wrong with her?!?! someone please tell me...

Monday 7 November 2011

real school

Hello recently watched a new show it is called Real school its nice,u gotta watch it just 4 information hope u like it... thanks then see ya